Portage Bay Goods - The Gift Shop for the Thoughtful Procrastinator!
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Welcome to our latest Virtual Art Walk! This month, we welcome you to the vibrant underwater world of Seattle artist Kristian Winnie (@honeycombwinnie)!Kristian had always had a great love for art, but never the time or resources to pursue it as a career. He left for sea after high school; under-educated and able-bodied, he was left with options. After a few years of being uncertain if the salt on the breath was from sweat or the sea, he took a full time position on the docks to indulge his infatuation with the arts. He broke bread with every available medium; woodcarving, music, bonsai, steelwork and of course - painting, which clings to him like a newborn to their mother. Everything he has ever done influences everything he’ll ever do. Kristian's technique is a casserole of life’s events and lessons learned - to paint how he lives, in full color.
All of Kristian's work is currently available in store and online through the month. Enjoy! |
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